The animation is a result of collaborative work of scientists from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Biology (DanStem) and visual storytellers from the Animation Workshop (VIA), telling the story of a scientific attempt to learn what happen to the liver when damaged and how this knowledge could be translated in the future and help healing liver diseases and improve patients quality of life.
a film by:
Charlotte Bailey, Scientist – script and voice-over
Cosimo Miorelli – visual artist
Riccardo Bernardi – Animation
Elke Ober, Assocociate Professor- Scientific advisor
Thomas Richard Christensen – Sound design and music
Storm Søndergaard – Post-production
Naomi Dayan – Producer and director
Sia Søndergaard – Producer and director
Produced by
Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Biology, Danstem, University of Copenhagen and The Animation Workshop/VIA UC